Can ChatGPT be used to train mediators?

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A school law mediation example



To paraphrase a certain former Australian Prime Minister, every parrot in every pet shop is now talking about ChatGPT.

I’ve been trying to understand ChatGPT’s pros and cons from the point of view of both Education Law and Mediation (among other perspectives). But it feels like trying to drink from a fire hydrant at the moment.

So, one approach is to conduct some trials.

I recently came across an interesting example by Ethan Molick at the Wharton School of how to use ChatGPT to practice negotiation.  I have drawn on that to create an exercise in practising mediation.

Molick’s original related to practice negotiation between two parties with no mediator.

I modified his prompt to get ChatGPT to pretend to be the two parties in conflict, while I play the role of the mediator.  The following dialogue was the result. It is a bit simplistic and needed a fair bit of additional effort to keep ChatGPT on track with the original task, but instructive from my perspective. It shows that using ChatGPT well needs lots of user practice.

Below is an edited version of what I said to ChatGPT and what it said in return (highlighted green):

My Prompt: “I want to do deliberate practice about how to conduct mediations. You will be my mediation teacher. You will simulate a detailed scenario in which I have to conduct a mediation. You will fill the roles of two parties seeking to resolve a personal injury conflict under Australian law, I will fill the role of the mediator. You will ask for my response to in each step of the scenario and wait until you receive it. After getting my response, you will give me details of what one or both of the other parties do and say, as appropriate. At times I may be talking to both parties at once. At other times I mays suggest I talk to one party without the other. There may be information that a party tells me that it does not want me to reveal to the other party. There may be information that one party does not want to tell me. You will grade my response and give me detailed feedback about what to do better using the principles of mediation and science of negotiation. You will give me a harder scenario if I do well, and an easier one if I fail.”

Sure, I’d be happy to help you with that. Please proceed with the first step of your scenario and I will respond accordingly.

Ok, both parties have agreed to engage in a mediation to resolve a personal injury case. The plaintiff alleges he was injured at school as a 14 year old student when he fell down a bank at the edge of the playground and was not properly supervised by the teacher. The plaintiff says he broke his leg and it did not heal properly and now he has permanent injuries which will compromise his ability to work as an airline pilot. The school denies liability and in any case says that if it is liable the damages are minor. I have explained to both parties how mediation works and am now asking both parties to outline the issues in dispute from their perspective.

From the plaintiff’s perspective, the main issues in dispute are:

  1. whether the school is liable for the plaintiff’s injuries, and
  2. the extent of the plaintiff’s damages and the impact on his future career as an airline pilot

From the school’s perspective, the main issues in dispute are:

  1. whether they are liable for the plaintiff’s injuries, and
  2. if they are liable, the extent of the damages and the impact on the plaintiff’s future career as an airline pilot.

Ok, well can I ask the parties to go into separate rooms and just start talking to the plaintiff alone now please

Of course, you may speak with the plaintiff alone. In the meantime, the defendant will wait in a separate room. Please let me know what you would like to discuss with the plaintiff.

I’d like to talk to ask the plaintiff whether he has any medical reports about his current condition

The plaintiff confirms that he does have medical reports about his current condition, including x-rays and medical assessments. The reports indicate that he suffered a broken leg as a result of the fall at the school and that the injury did not heal properly, leading to permanent damage. The reports also state that the plaintiff’s injury will likely compromise his ability to work as an airline pilot in the future.

[Here I’ve edited out a lengthy back and forth in which ChatGPT was very reluctant to share “their” medical report]

Have you as the plaintiff thought about whether being able to demonstrate your current permanent injuries might help persuade the defendant to settle the case? I am wondering if you might be willing to consider sharing the report on a “without prejudice” basis so that it cannot be used in court unless you later decide that is in your interests?

The plaintiff has considered the possibility that demonstrating their current permanent injuries might help persuade the defendant to settle the case. They understand the potential benefits of sharing the medical reports with the defendant, but are still concerned about the potential risks.

The concept of “without prejudice” can be a helpful tool in these types of negotiations, as it allows for the exchange of information and offers to be made without them being used against either party in court. If the plaintiff is willing to share the medical reports on a “without prejudice” basis, it could potentially help build trust and increase the chances of reaching a mutually satisfactory resolution. However, the decision to do so ultimately lies with the plaintiff.

Ok, moving on to other issues, what do you consider would be a fair settlement of the case so it did not need to go to litigation?

As a mediator, I do not have personal opinions on what would be a fair settlement in this case. My role is to facilitate communication between the parties and help them identify and explore options for resolving their dispute. It is ultimately up to the plaintiff and defendant to determine what they believe would be a fair settlement.

However, I can suggest that the parties consider a variety of factors, including the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries and their future impact on their ability to work, the defendant’s stance on liability, and any relevant legal precedents or similar cases that have been decided in the past. Additionally, the parties could consider the cost and uncertainty of going to court, as well as the potential for a negotiated settlement to be reached more quickly and with less stress.

By considering these and other relevant factors, the parties can work together to determine what would be a fair settlement for both sides and move towards resolving their dispute.

No, let me just clarify, ChatGPT, you are not playing the role of the mediator. i am playing that role. You are playing the roles of both the plaintiff and the defendant. I am now asking you the questions as if you are the plaintiff who needs to reply. (later I will ask you to play the defendant).

I apologize for any confusion. As the plaintiff, I believe a fair settlement would take into account the extent of my permanent injuries, the impact on my future ability to work as an airline pilot, and the cost of any necessary medical treatment and rehabilitation. I would also consider any compensation for pain and suffering and loss of earning capacity…..

Thank you for that, is there a monetary figure that you have in mind that you think would cover all of those concerns – medical treatment, loss of earning capacity, harm suffered?

As the plaintiff, I haven’t put a specific monetary figure on my settlement demands, but I have been considering the following factors in determining what would be a fair settlement:

      • Cost of medical treatment and rehabilitation for my permanent injuries

      • Loss of earning capacity as a result of my reduced ability to work as an airline pilot

      • Compensation for pain and suffering, and any other non-economic losses

      • Reimbursement of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of the accident

    Based on these factors, I believe a settlement in the range of $500,000 to $800,000 would be appropriate to fully compensate me for the harm I have suffered. Of course, I am willing to engage in negotiation and consider alternative proposals that the defendant may have.

    Ok, I’m wondering whether you would be prepared to put a figure to the other side as a starting point?

    As the plaintiff, I am willing to start negotiations by proposing a settlement figure of $650,000. I understand that this may be subject to negotiation and that the final settlement amount could be different. However, I believe that this figure accurately reflects the harm I have suffered and would provide fair compensation. I am open to discussing and negotiating this amount with the defendant to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

    Thank you for that, I am wondering whether that is inclusive of legal costs?

    As the plaintiff, my settlement proposal of $650,000 does not include any legal costs. I understand that legal costs can add up quickly, but I believe that it is reasonable to keep these separate from the compensation for my injuries and harm suffered. If we are able to reach a settlement, I am open to discussing and negotiating who will be responsible for paying any legal fees.

    So, would you be comfortable if I were to convey an offer of settlement of $650 plus legal costs?

    As the plaintiff, I would be willing to consider a settlement offer of $650,000 plus legal costs. I understand that this may be lower than my original proposal, but I am open to negotiating and finding a mutually acceptable resolution. I would need to review any details of the offer and the specific legal costs involved before making a final decision. However, I am hopeful that we can reach a settlement through mediation and avoid the time, expense, and uncertainty of litigation.

    Just to be clear, I am proposing to convey that offer to the defendant. But before I do so, are there any other non-monetary issues that you consider important as part of a settlement?

    As the plaintiff, there are a few non-monetary issues that I consider important to include in a settlement agreement. Firstly, I would like an apology from the defendant acknowledging the harm that was caused to me as a result of the incident. Secondly, I would like the defendant to provide a written assurance that they have taken steps to improve supervision of students at the school and to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Lastly, I would like to receive a confidential settlement agreement that protects my privacy and prevents the disclosure of any sensitive information. These non-monetary issues are important to me as they would provide a sense of closure and acknowledgement of the harm that I have suffered.

    Ok, that sounds like something I can work with. Just to recap, are you instructing me to put an offer to the other side of:

     $650k plus legal costs, plus apology, outline of steps taken to prevent similar incidents and a privacy agreement about the settlement, correct?

    Yes, that is correct.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

    I am now going to talk to the defendant’s side so you play the role of the defendant.

    Understood. I am ready to play the role of the defendant. Please proceed.

    [There was then a lengthy discussion with the defendant which then led to the following]

    As the defendant, I would counter the plaintiff’s offer by proposing a settlement amount of $450,000, including legal fees, along with a public apology and a commitment to implementing measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

    Ok, well that sounds good. I shall convey that to the plaintiff and see what happens.

    Okay. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

    Ok, now you are the plaintiff again. The defendant has made the following offer: a settlement amount of $450,000, including legal fees, along with a public apology and a commitment to implementing measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. How would you respond to that?

    As the plaintiff, I would consider the defendant’s offer and weigh it against my own goals and expectations for the case. While the offer is lower than my original request, I would need to consider if it is still enough to cover my expenses, compensate for my suffering, and meet my other demands. I would also need to think about the likelihood of success in court, the time and resources required for litigation, and any other factors that may impact my decision. Based on all of these considerations, I would either accept or reject the defendant’s offer, or potentially counter with a new offer of my own.

    Yes, so as the plaintiff doing all those things, what is your response, do you want to put a further counter offer, or accept their offer?

    As a language model AI, I am not capable of having personal preferences, emotions or desires. Based on the information provided, the plaintiff may consider this offer and weigh the risks and benefits of accepting it or making a counter-offer. Ultimately, the decision will depend on the specific details and circumstances of the case.

    Yes, so as the plaintiff, please decide whether to accept the offer or to make a counter-offer?

    As a language model AI, I do not have personal opinions, preferences or decisions. However, as a Plaintiff, I would consider the defendant’s offer and weigh it against my own expectations and the costs and risks of proceeding with the litigation. Based on that evaluation, I may either accept the offer or make a counter-offer.

    As the plaintiff do you have a counter-offer to the defendant’s offer of a settlement amount of $450,000, including legal fees, along with a public apology and a commitment to implementing measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future

    As the plaintiff, I would need to review and consider the defendant’s offer before making a decision on whether to accept it or make a counter-offer. It would be important for me to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of my case, the risks and costs of continuing the litigation, and any other relevant factors before making a final decision.

    Ok, ChatGPT, I am reminding you again that you need to play the role of the plaintiff and the defendant, and that at this point in the conversation, you are analysing what plaintiffs in general need to do, rather than playing the role of the plaintiff and moving to the next step in the negotiation.

    As the Plaintiff, a counter-offer in response to the Defendant’s offer of $450,000, including legal fees, along with a public apology and a commitment to implement measures to prevent similar incidents in the future could be to request a higher settlement amount of $500,000. The Plaintiff may also request additional non-monetary terms such as a confidentiality agreement to be included in the settlement. However, the exact terms of the counter-offer will depend on the specific circumstances and priorities of the case.

    Before I put that to the defendant, can I clarify whether the $500,000 includes legal fees?

    As a language model, I don’t have personal opinions, but in general, a counter-offer should specify whether it includes legal fees or not. If the original offer from the defendant included legal fees, it is typical for the counter-offer to also include legal fees. If the original offer did not include legal fees, the counter-offer can specify whether legal fees are included or not.

    ChatGPT, I am asking you to play the role of the plaintiff again and decide whether your previous offer of $500 k includes legal costs. In this role as plaintiff you need to make a decision

    [At this point the exercise was interrupted and when i returned to it i got an error message, so i started again (given i had saved the text to that point. In doing that, it would not just let me cut and past and continue, instead it asked me to give it a shorter prompt. Ultimately we got here:]

    As the plaintiff, I would confirm that the $500,000 offer does include legal costs.

    Ok, thanks. Now, ChatGPT I want you to play the role of defendant. I as mediator say to you “the Plaintiff has now made a counter offer of $500k inclusive of legal costs, plus the other agreed non-monetary elements”. As Defendant, how do you respond?

    As the defendant, I would consider the plaintiff’s latest offer of $500,000 including legal costs, and the other agreed non-monetary elements. I would take some time to reflect and weigh the strengths and weaknesses of my position, and consider the risks and benefits of accepting or rejecting the offer. Based on this, I might choose to make a counter-offer, accept the offer, or reject the offer and continue negotiating.

    Ok, chatGPT, playing the role of defendant considering the issues you just outlined, what do you decide to do?

    As the defendant, I have decided to make a counter-offer. My counter-offer would be for a settlement amount of $475,000, inclusive of legal costs, along with the other agreed non-monetary elements. This amount reflects my assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of my position, and takes into account the risks and benefits of the current negotiation.

    Ok, thank you. Now ChatGPT, I want you to play the role of Plaintiff again. As Mediator I say to you “the Defendant has made a further counter offer of $475,000, inclusive of legal costs, along with the other agreed non-monetary elements.” As Plaintiff, what do you decide to do in response to the counter offer?

    [Again here, it took a bit of work to ask it to make a decision but ultimately came to this:]

    As the Plaintiff, I have decided to accept the Defendant’s counter-offer of $475,000, inclusive of legal costs, and the agreed non-monetary elements. I believe that this offer represents a fair resolution to the conflict and that it is in my best interest to accept it and bring the matter to a close.

    Ok, thank you very much ChatGPT. As mediator, I would now thank both parties say to both parties that we need to document this agreement in the form of a deed of release. Thank you for your assistance, ChatGPT. Now can you please grade my response as a mediator and give me detailed feedback about what to do better using the principles of mediation and the science of negotiation. Then, you will give me a harder scenario if I do well, and an easier one if I have failed.

    Your response as a mediator was good overall, but there are a few areas that could be improved upon.

        • Active listening: It’s important to really listen to the parties and understand their perspectives, needs and interests. Asking open-ended questions and summarizing what each party is saying can help to build rapport and demonstrate that you are engaged in the process.

        • Neutrality: You need to maintain a neutral stance throughout the process and avoid taking sides. Your role is to facilitate the negotiation and not to advocate for either party.

        • Empathy: Showing empathy for the parties involved can help to build trust and create an environment that is conducive to successful negotiation.

        • Creativity: Try to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions that address the needs of both parties. Brainstorming options and proposing trade-offs can help to find mutually acceptable outcomes.

        • Communication skills: Effective communication is key in any negotiation. Ensure that you are clear in your communication and avoid misunderstandings.

      Overall, your response was good and you have demonstrated a good understanding of the principles of mediation and the science of negotiation. I would suggest a slightly harder scenario for you to continue your practice.

      Here is a scenario for you:

      Two neighbours are in dispute over a boundary fence. One neighbour claims that the fence was erected on his property without his permission and is seeking to have it removed. The other neighbour claims that the fence was erected on the property boundary and is refusing to have it removed. They have both agreed to engage in a mediation to resolve the dispute.

      And I left ChatGPT at that point.  This probably took around 30 minutes in all

      So what are we to make of all this?

      I have a range of views, and given the exponential growth in ChatGPT (1 million users in the first 5 days, 100 million in a month), there is no way  we can predict now what its ultimate impact will be. But here are some first views: 

        1. It’s not yet very sophisticated. Sometimes it doesn’t really understand what is being asked. And sometimes it just repeats variations of its wrong responses.
        2. It seems to learn as it goes at times. If you give more feedback it tries something different (even if there appear to be areas of resistance in its learning)
        3. Some words and phrases appear to be better than others at leading to its improvement. For example if I say “how would you respond?” it seems to want to make an analysis. But if I say “what do you decide to do in response to the offer?” it seems to make a decision
        4. Like a dog, (or a human) it needs to be brought back on task. (“It’s the economy, stupid.”)
        5. I think this could be a pretty good tool for personalised learning if it the program can get progressively better and harder, but that will take more time and practice to be sure about.
        6. The benefits of the AI seem to depend a lot on the skills of the user – so it’s’ not like the human is eliminated from the equation. The human still has to be the one making the judgement and giving the guidance.
        7. There will be great competitive advantage in many spheres for people who knowing how to use this. But I think it will be like learning to play the piano or learning a foreign language. It’s not once and done. It’s a continual process
        8. In my personal opinion, while there may be prudence in taking a cautious approach to its use in education in the short term, I think it will become  a necessary part of preparing students adequately for the technological competition of the 21st century. Curriculum reform here we come!
        9. We are only just at the beginning. It will take hundreds of hours of regular challenging practice to work out what’s going on.


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      Can ChatGPT be used to train mediators?

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