A pathway to a fair and lasting solution
Disputes can be draining - mentally, physically and financially. Often, it seems like there is no way through a conflict. Providing the environment for caring, thorough, and creative solutions is what Waterhouse Mediation is about. Our goal is to help people resolve personal or business conflicts and move on with their lives.
Mediation Services
Waterhouse Mediation specialises in helping to settle sensitive disputes, both legal and non-legal
Waterhouse Mediation is fully accredited and provides services in the following areas:
- facilitated settlement conferences
- mediation of legal disputes
- trauma-informed approach to settlement of historical abuse claims
- personal injury and negligence disputes
- disputes between organisations
- inter-personal disputes including employment disputes and family disputes.
Waterhouse Mediation specialises in helping to settle sensitive disputes, both legal and non-legal
As General Counsel (including its predecessor role) for the NSW Education Department for 19 years, Michael built an incomparable experience in settling legal, commercial, industrial and policy disputes. This includes:
- Settling a group action by members of the Aboriginal Stolen Generation in NSW, including providing individual apologies and settlement conferences to several hundred individuals
- Leading the Education Department’s response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual abuse, implementing the Government’s principles for trauma informed approach to survivors of such abuse
- Working personally with 100s of individuals who have experienced various forms of trauma and abuse in institutional settings
About Michael Waterhouse PSM
Michael Waterhouse has unique depth of experience in the NSW public sector with 26 years experience as a lawyer, policy advisor and senior executive.
As General Counsel (including its predecessor role) for the NSW Education Department for 19 years, Michael built an incomparable experience in settling legal, commercial, industrial and policy disputes. This includes:
- Settling a group action by members of the Aboriginal Stolen Generation in NSW, including providing individual apologies and settlement conferences to several hundred individuals
- Leading the Education Department’s response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual abuse, implementing the Government’s principles for trauma informed approach to survivors of such abuse
- Working personally with 100s of individuals who have experienced various forms of trauma and abuse in institutional settings
- Settling complex industrial and award negotiations
- Negotiating legislation through the NSW parliament.
- Negotiating detailed policy agreements and MOUs between NSW government agencies, and non-government organisations, particularly in the human services field.
- Negotiating difficult disputes about existing agreements between government and other parties.
Michael is an accredited mediator under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS). He also has an unrestricted practising certificate with the NSW Law Society
What others have said about Michael Waterhouse
You have in many ways been a role model to me ..., particularly in the way you communicate and break down complex problems.
PartnerNational Law Firm
Working with you on the [identification removed] matters has been a highlight of mycareer. The care and attention you gave to the work and to the claimants was truly remarkable. It went well beyond any call of duty.
Senior CounselSydney Bar
You have provided sterling service to the Department and been a fantastic representative for it. Just one example is the gratitude expressed by victims of sexual abuse after spending time with you. You have been the leader in the field (often said to me by mediators) of providing apologies, which resonate with and are appreciated by victims..... Calm, considered & unfailingly fair approach to issues.
PartnerSydney Law Firm
Thank you for your commitment, knowledge and ethical leadership.
School Education DirectorNorthern Sydney
Your pragmatism and intellect will be greatly missed. You have always had a way to pinpoint issues.
Executive DirectorGovernment Infrastructure
Your ability to maintain decorum in the most pressing of circumstances has been inspirational. You will always be welcome at the schools in my network
School Education DirectorSouth West Sydney
I have always observed you and tried to learn lessons from how you conducted business because I was fascinated by how business could be conducted by negotiation at a reasonable temperature in a professional manner, which may or may not have been the reality, but was how appeared at my level.
IT ProfessionalNSW Public Sector
You have been an incredible support to AA since we arrived in DoE, and have always shown great compassion and understanding in the work around reparations and redress.
Senior ExecutiveAboriginal Affairs
Your leadership and direction in the policy space has been very much appreciated by my colleagues and I, especially in how we all address real world issues with good sense and empathy.
Policy SpecialistNSW Government
You were a calming effect on our client and thank you for the empathy and understanding shown to our client who is still traumatised by the events of his childhood.
PartnerSydney Law Firm
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