Managing legal issues in your school

Essential Legal Knowledge For Beginning Teachers

As a new teacher, have you ever wondered about the following questions?

  • What are the most important laws for a teacher to be aware of?
  • If I get into legal trouble, could I lose my house?
  • Where does a teacher’s duty of care for a student start and end? Is it 24/7?
  • Is it ever ok for a teacher to touch a student, even if the child is hurt?
  • Where do I turn for legal help?

This seminar is specially designed to answer questions like these for teachers in their first years of practice.

Conducted by Michael Waterhouse, the NSW Education Department’s former head lawyer with 20 years’ experience in education law, each 1.5 hour Zoom seminar includes:

  • Presentation: 15 things every beginning teacher in NSW should know about the law.
  • Small Group discussion of Real world scenarios
  • Pre-reading (for those interested) including digestible summaries of some key legal cases involving teachers and schools.
  • Q&A session (No such thing as a stupid question!)

Claim 2 hours of Elective Professional Development meeting the following NESA standards:

4.4.2 Ensure students’ wellbeing and safety within school by implementing school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.

7.2.2 Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, policies and processes.

NESA Elective Professional Development guidelines met:

  • provide opportunities for collaboration, transference, and application of learning into teaching practice
  • involve opportunities to give and receive feedback and/or undertake self-reflection and reflection on the teaching practice of others
  • be research based and evidence based.
  • link to clear and relevant goals that are related to improving student/child outcomes

Who should take this course?

  • Beginning teachers – first 3 to 4 years of teaching
  • Teachers returning to the profession after some years away
  • Teachers new to NSW who want to understand the law
  • Any classroom teacher who feels they need a legal update.

Get in Touch

If you would like to book 2 hour or half-day seminar for your staff or colleagues  – either in person or online – please use the booking calendar to arrange a date and we will to speak to you about a quote


Session 1

Tuesday 27th August – 3.30 pm to 5:15pm via ZOOM. (Limit 96 participants)


Fees $89 (+GST)


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